PhD Project 10

Valorization of Marine Natural Products

Amelia Westmoreland

I am a doctoral candidate with 3BIO, an access and benefit sharing company, as well as degree-awarding entity, KU Leuven. My passion for marine natural products (MNPs) was established at a very young age, and I am honoured for the opportunity to be able to integrate my shared knowledge in science and industry within this doctoral program


Within the HOTBIO initiative, my work focuses on better understanding and valorization of MNPs, aligning with the scientific pursuits of my esteemed colleagues within the network. My specific objectives are: (1) conducting a comprehensive market analysis to define the market sector of MNPs; (2) evaluating the impact of sustainable practices on enhanced MNP valorization; and (3) determining/improving the efficiency and success of the MNP pipeline through challenge analysis.

Market potential and market opportunities for MNP

The ESR will study the market potential and the market opportunities for MNPs. For the market potential, the ESR will explore the potential fit between MNPs at final stage of development and on the market with market needs. For the market opportunities, the ESR will also look at market size, competition, pricing power, sustainability, etc.

The objectives are:

1) To map the market landscape of (near) market MNPs and explore the specific market needs they might fulfil.

2) To perform a market analysis of MNPs, compared to existing alternatives.

3)To study the economic drivers of MNPs, such as price elasticity and pricing power.

Supervisor: Tomas Vanagt

Host institution: 3BIO


Project Nine


Project Eleven