- a Holistic Approach to Training a New Generation of Scientists in Marine Biodiscovery
A modern biodiscovery pipeline
Tailor made courses
Interactions between academic and industrial partners
HotBio is a Doctoral Network of 13 PhD students hosted by ten different academic and industrial partners in eight different European countries. The project is funded by the European Commission as a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Action (MSCA) under Horizon Europe.
HotBio is focusing on marine biodiscovery where secondary metabolites from marine microorganisms will be developed into well-characterised compounds that can be applied as medicines, agrochemicals or aquaculture drugs.
This goal will be achieved by combining the chemical diversity that can be accessed through a traditional bioprospecting pipeline with downstream efforts such as computer-aided drug design (CADD), medicinal chemistry, target deconvolution and ADMET profiling.
The Research Projects
In HotBio there are 13 PhD students managing their own research projects. The projects covers key parts of a modern biodiscovery pipeline, including sampling and isolation of marine microorganisms, testing for bioactivity, isolating novel marine natural products, chemical synthesis of derivatives, computer aided drug design, preclinical development of new bioactive marine natural products and better understanding of legal and market aspects of marine natural products drug discovery.